The first element that is necessary to lead in consideration is that the performance of the activities of the leader depends on the sharing of the results with the people who are part of its team of work. An envolvement with the team is necessary, in the direction to stimulate the efforts in one same direction, being made with that all can reach one same objective. The world lives the age of the information and the knowledge. Therefore, the main focus for the attainment of the organizacionais results is not more the technology, but yes the people. The main focus of the leadership is in respecting the people, stimulating the autogerenciamento, the independent teams and the enterprising units. The leaders think more in the long run, perceive the Inter-relations that are part of ampler realities, think about renewal terms, have abilities politics, provoke changes, affirm values and obtain units. The leader must be before everything a Manager of People. Each person is an only, sistmico human being, with personality, different characteristics, abilities, attitudes and knowledge ones of the others.
Therefore, she is necessary to know the tools of Management of People who will be able to assist in the taking of decisions in relation to the exploitation and valuation of the talentos that integrate the work teams. The main tool of the Management of People is the continuous learning, that directs the leader for the organizacional learning, that is, is necessary that it develops the capacity to promote education/development with service of high quality and to give opening for the transmission of information, as much in the internal environment how much in the external environment, in way to allow the participation of the collaborators in the taking of decisions, acting as educator, negotiator, incentivador and coordinator. The leader must observe frequently the personal and professional behavior of its collaborators, searching to identify to the strong points and the weak points of each individual, directing for the search of continuous improvements, as much in the aspect technician how much in the mannering one.