If you have been scared or inconvenience to obtain something new, is because you have beliefs that prevent it to you to do it. You can change it. Here I give one you formulates. It begins with identifying which beliefs stop to you and which impels to you. I am certainly you have goals that you have tried to obtain them more in one go, without success. All anxious and intelligent person, has this quality to look for new things that to enjoy.
If you think again about these goals at this moment and feel fear to try it again. Perhaps you say yourself, Why to try it again, or so that to look for the failure again? Which indicates a belief of impotence and nonmerit the sufficient thing. Your beliefs are thoughts that they give you feelings, also contain mental images of passed experiences, your own voice and noise of the atmosphere, your own voice saying negative phrases, you therefore must understand this process of change, the beliefs are in its majority unconscious. The following point is very important to eliminate any belief obstacle. I want that you imagine the goal or what you wish to reach as if it happened or, as if you had realised or it. As if, it is an ability of great the dreamers but has the capacity to conduct battle and to turn them in fact. To imagine as if, manages to make changes in the internal images, and, than you consider possible of how you wish that they are the future things.